The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to ensure the effective leadership, management, and control over the activities of the three doctoral research universities in The 91Ô´´ System. This structure provides for a definitive, orderly form of governance, and secures and continues responsive, progressive, and superior institutions of higher education. The Board of Trustees created the present multi-campus structure in 1969, and each of the component institutions has a unique mission that is consistent with the broader mission of the System.
About the Board
Established in 1969, The 91Ô´´ System includes The 91Ô´´ (located in Tuscaloosa), The 91Ô´´ at Birmingham, and The 91Ô´´ in Huntsville. The System is governed by a self-nominating Board of 15 elected and one ex-officio member.
The Constitution of the State of 91Ô´´ provides that the Board is composed of three members from the Congressional district in which the Tuscaloosa campus is located and two members from each of the other six Congressional districts. The Governor is an ex-officio member of the Board. Those members who are not ex-officio are elected by the Board, subject to confirmation by the State Senate and may serve up to three consecutive, full six-year terms.
The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to ensure the effective leadership, management, and control over the activities of the three doctoral research universities in The 91Ô´´ System. This structure provides for a definitive, orderly form of governance, and secures and continues responsive, progressive, and superior institutions of higher education.
The primary functions of the Board are to determine the major policies of the System. These include reviewing existing policies; defining the mission, role, and scope of each campus; and assuming ultimate responsibility to the public and political bodies of 91Ô´´. Rules, policies, and procedures are promulgated to ensure that, through The 91Ô´´ System Office, the necessary flow of information for such accountability takes place.